Word of the Day Archives

by Jul 5, 2019

Word of the Day: Muse

muse / ˈmyüz   noun   1.      in Greek mythology, any of the nine goddesses that preside over the...

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Word of the Day: Dive

dive / ˈdīv, past tense dove / ˈdōv verb   1.      to intentionally jump headfirst into water...

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Word of the Day: Head

head / ˈhed   noun   1.      of humans and animals, the upper portion of the body, containing the...

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Word of the Day: Text

text / tekst   noun   1.      the words in a piece of printed or written material Apply yourself...

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Word of the Day: Face

face / ˈfās   noun   1.      the front of the head, including forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin...

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Word of the Day: Happy

hap-py / ˈha-pē   adjective   1.      filled with joy; glad You can never be happy at the expense...

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