The Dictionary Project: Word of the Day

Word of the Day: Text

Word of the Day: Text

text / tekst   noun   1.      the words in a piece of printed or written material Apply yourself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to yourself. Johann Albrecht Bengel, 1687-1752   2.      the original words of an author A key text for me is...

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Word of the Day: Face

Word of the Day: Face

face / ˈfās   noun   1.      the front of the head, including forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin One hand washes the other and both wash the face. Greek Proverb   2.      countenance Easy to know men’s faces, not their hearts. Chinese Proverb  ...

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Word of the Day: Cue and Queue

Word of the Day: Cue and Queue

Cue cue / kyo͞o noun   1.     the letter “Q”, ”q” In the English language, when spelling words, the letter Q is almost always followed by the letter U.   2.     a rod used to hit a billiard ball or used to shove disks in shuffleboard In snooker,...

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Word of the Day: Happy

Word of the Day: Happy

hap-py / ˈha-pē   adjective   1.      filled with joy; glad You can never be happy at the expense of the happiness of others. Chinese Proverb   2.      characterized by contentment It doesn’t matter much what kind of house you’ve got as long as...

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