Immunizations ongoing in Malawi

Immunizations ongoing in Malawi

No new Wild Polio case was reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture? Immunizations ongoing in Malawi.

Malawi – As a result of ongoing disease surveillance, the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) has confirmed the presence of type 1 wild poliovirus (WPV1) in a child suffering from paralysis in Tsabango, Lilongwe, Malawi. Analysis shows that the virus is genetically linked to WPV1 was detected in Pakistan’s Sindh province in October 2019.

The three-year-old girl in Malawi experienced the onset of paralysis on 19 November 2021, and stool specimens were collected for testing on 26 and 27 November. Sequencing of the virus conducted in February by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed this case as WPV1.

Detection of WPV1 outside the world’s two remaining endemic countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan, is a serious concern and underscores the importance of prioritizing polio immunization activities. Until polio is fully eradicated, all countries remain at risk of importation and must maintain high vaccination coverage to protect all children from polio.

The GPEI is supporting health authorities in Malawi to conduct a thorough assessment of the situation and begin urgent immunization activities in the sub-region to mitigate any risk of spread. Surveillance measures are also being expanded in Malawi and neighboring countries to detect any other potential undetected transmission.

As an imported case from Pakistan, this detection does not affect the WHO African Region’s wild poliovirus-free certification status officially marked in August 2020. Malawi last recorded a case of wild poliovirus in 1992. The polio eradication program has seen importations from endemic countries to regions that have been certified wild poliovirus-free in the past and have moved quickly to successfully stop transmission of the virus in these areas.



After the safe and successful rollout of nationwide polio campaigns since November 2021, we have received the tragic news that 8 health workers at the forefront have been killed this morning in a series of shootings in Takhar and Kunduz in northeast Afghanistan.  The vaccination campaign has been suspended in both provinces. 

A statement has been issued by the Regional Director of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, as well as by the United Nations in the country, condemning these attacks, expressing condolences to the families, and underscoring that the provision of health and the safety of health workers at the forefront are paramount, and must be kept neutral to any geo-political situation anywhere.

Our thoughts and prayers are both with the families and our teams on the ground at this time.

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 4  DR Congo – 1 (26 in 2021), Madagascar – 1 (12 in 2021), Nigeria – 1 (415 in 2021), Somalia – 1 (1 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 635 Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 3 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (64 in 2020), DR Congo – 26 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 10 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Guinea Bissau – 3 (0 on 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 12 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020), Mozambique – 2, Niger – 15 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 415 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 17 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 1 (14 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 2 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 13 (33 in 2020).

New This WeekDR Congo – 2 cVDPV2 Case, Madagascar – 2 cVDPV2 Case + 6 Samples, Malawi – 1 WPV1 Case, Nigeria – 3 cVDPV2 Cases + 8 cVDPV2 Samples, Yemen 3 cDVPV2 Cases.

A total of 1,110 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“The Rotary Foundation is far too great to keep to ourselves.  Let’s make sure to let the Foundation’s light shine bright.  In doing so, we will find new partners, gain new supporters, and increase the good we’re all doing in the world.”


The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases were reported this week.
0 Wild Polio cases – 2022 (1 Wild Polio case, 2021). The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020. No WPV1 or cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2022, (4 Wild Polio cases, 2021). The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/11/22.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Dr. Nida Vaccinates a child in Pakistan

Dr. Nida Vaccinates a child in Pakistan

One new Wild Polio case reported this week, the first of 2022.  

What is that Polio Picture?  Dr Nida vaccinates a child in Pakistan.  Read more of her story, ‘What I learned from my time contributing to the eradication of polio in Pakistanhere.

“I hope one day I can tell my son the story of how polio was eradicated and how no child will ever be paralyzed by this virus again”, Dr Nida Ali.

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 0

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 592 – Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 3 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (64 in 2020), DRCongo – 25 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 10 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Guinea Bissau – 3 (0 on 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 11 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 15 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 397 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 17 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 1 (14 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 2 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 13 (33 in 2020).

New This Week – Afghanistan – 1 WPV Case, Congo – 1 cVDPV2 Sample, DR Congo – 1 cVDPV2 Case, Niger – 5 cVDPV2 Cases, Nigeria – 2 cVDPV2 Cases + 14 cVDPV2 Samples.

A total of 1,110 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“There’s a difference between being a (Rotary Club) member and belonging.  You don’t belong until people take care of you, and you, in turn, start taking care of other people.”

Elizabeth Usovicz, RI Director Zone 30/31

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020. No WPV1 or cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




1 New Polio case reported this past week. The first of 2022.
4 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 11/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Looking Back on 2021

Looking Back on 2021

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week!  Best Wishes for a Peaceful, Successful, Rotary-filled, Polio-free New Year to you all! 

What is that Polio Picture?  Want to know more about the Novel Oral Polio Vaccine Type 2?  The attached Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) update may help. Download here

Looking Back on 2021 – When we look back to 2021, it may be seen as a turning point for efforts to stop all forms of polio for good. In June, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) launched its new strategy to eradicate polio and protect against future health threats. Two months later, the WHO African Region celebrated one year since it was declared free from wild polio with countries’ recommitments to stopping all forms of poliovirus on the continent. And in Pakistan and Afghanistan – the final two countries endemic for wild poliovirus – transmission has fallen drastically in the past 12 months. Despite this fragile progress, circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) continue to paralyze children in under-immunized communities, and financial contributions are needed to implement the new strategy. Building from the progress of 2021, the GPEI is ready to maintain this momentum and overcome final challenges in 2022.  From the December 2021 GPEI Newsletter

World Polio Day 2021 Congratulations! – More than 4,260 Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs around the world registered their participation for World Polio Day. Donors contributed more than $748,000 online, for a total raised — with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2-to-1 match — of more than $2.3 million.

Rotary’s World Polio Day 2021 Global Update segments were viewed nearly 6.2 million times on our Facebook pages and YouTube channel and were downloaded more than 4,250 times.

In addition… On World Polio Day 2021, media outlets around the world published more than 900 news stories highlighting Rotary members and our work to end polio. That coverage included TVC News in Nigeria, the Times of MaltaABS-CBN News in the Philippines, and Saltwire in Canada.

Rotary members in the U.S. also had great success writing opinion pieces and letters to the editor, which appeared in publications such as MinnPost, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Bangor Daily News, and the Dallas Morning News.

Voice of America published two stories highlighting the progress Rotary and our partners have made against polio. One story, featuring Pakistan PolioPlus Committee Chair Aziz Memon, showcased his country’s efforts to eradicate polio and noted its low case counts. The other story, which quoted Rotary International PolioPlus Director Carol Pandak, reported on the resumption of polio vaccination campaigns in Afghanistan.

India’s Statesman published an opinion piece by India PolioPlus Committee Chair Deepak Kapur, in which he focused on what we’ve learned from COVID-19 about the importance of continued immunization and vigilance in maintaining India’s polio-free status.

Gary Hirsch, a member of the Rotary Club of Tucson, Arizona, USA, and co-chair of the Ride to End Polio fundraiser, spoke on a local radio program about Rotary’s polio eradication efforts and how, over the past 12 years, Rotary members’ participation in the El Tour de Tucson cycling event has — with the help of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2-to-1 match — raised nearly $54 million.

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 489 – Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 3 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (64 in 2020), DRC – 13 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Guinea Bissau – 3 (0 on 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 10 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 10 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 321 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 16 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 1 (14 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 1 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 7 (33 in 2020).

New This Week – DRC – 2 cVDPV2 Cases and 1 cVDPV2 Sample, Egypt – 1 cVDPV2 Sample, Mauritania – 1 cVDPV2 Sample, Niger – 5 cVDPV2 Cases, Nigeria – 14 cVDPV2 Cases and 21 cVDPV2 Samples, Yemen – 2 cVDPV2 Cases. 

A total of 1,110 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“I am a Rotarian because I revel in joy of belonging to an organization that not only provides each individual with all the true friends that one will ever need, but also because I wake up each morning knowing that my work will save and change a life that day.”

—Carolyn EW Pierce, Rotary Club of Dalton, MA

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 New Polio cases reported this past week.
4 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 11/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Polio may be gone for good from Tajikistan

Polio may be gone for good from Tajikistan

One new Wild Polio cases reported this week!

What is that Polio Picture?  Polio may be gone for good from Tajikistan.

Poliomyelitis (polio) returned to Tajikistan in the past year, with the first case of an outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) detected in a child who developed acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) on 22 November 2020 in the province of Khatlon.

In response to the outbreak, 3 rounds of supplementation immunization with novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) were conducted, all of which reached a reported 99% of the target group of children under the age of 6.

Both environmental surveillance and active AFP case searches in hospitals and health facilities are continuing throughout the country to ensure that any potential further circulation will be detected.

The latest AFP case with confirmed cVDPV2 had onset of paralysis on 26 June 2021. The latest positive environmental sample was collected on 27 August, before completion of the third round of immunization in early September.

“Tajikistan has responded with full commitment and with the dedicated support of Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners to stop this outbreak,” said Dr Victor Olsavszky, WHO Representative and Head of the WHO Country Office in Tajikistan.

“We are cautiously optimistic that the extensive surveillance and immunization campaigns of the past 11 months have closed the door on further spread of this virus. This is vital for the health of children in Tajikistan and beyond.”

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 466 – Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 3 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (63 in 2020), DRC – 11 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Guinea Bissau – 3 (0 on 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 10 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 5 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 289 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 16 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 1 (14 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 1 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 5 (33 in 2020).

New This Week – Afghanistan – 1 WPV1 Case, Cameroon  – 1 cVDPV2 Case & 1 cVDPV2 Sample, Nigeria – 18 cVDPV2 Cases and 15 cVDPV2 Samples.

A total of 1,109 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“What we do for ourselves dies with us.  What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.

Albert Pine, English Author

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




1 New Polio cases reported this past week.
4 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 11/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Polio home Immunizations returned to Afghanistan in the past month

Polio home Immunizations returned to Afghanistan in the past month

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week!

What is that Polio Picture?  Polio home Immunizations returned to Afghanistan in the past month.

Pakistan – Built into one of the largest vaccination campaigns in history against measles and rubella, Pakistan also aims to protect children under five against poliovirus in an integrated effort launched this past month. By incorporating polio activities into other essential health programs, the Pakistan government is working with Gavi, UNICEF, WHO and other partners to mobilize nearly 400 000 health workers and to ensure that communities across the country are safe from these vaccine-preventable diseases.

Our Partner, UNICEF, would like to thank Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for its generous contributions of US$ 48,099,998 to support polio eradication efforts in Pakistan, outbreak and surge support and community engagement activities.

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 464 – Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 1 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (63 in 2020), DRC – 11 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Guinea Bissau – 3 (0 on 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 10 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 5 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 289 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 16 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 1 (14 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 1 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 5 (33 in 2020).

New This Week – Pakistan – 1 WPV1 Sample, CAR – 1 cVDPV2 Sample, Nigeria – 7 cVDPV2 Samples, Uganda – 1 cVDPV2 sample. 

A total of 1,109 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“Delivering on a promise of a Polio-free world is not without challenges.  The GPEI has a long history of adapting and innovating to overcome significant hurdles to ending Polio, and with unwavering support of country governments, vaccinators, partners (like Rotary), donors – and supporters like you – I remain confident that we can finish the job.

Dr Christopher J Elias, MD, MPH, President, Global Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Chair, Polio Oversight Board, GPET

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 New Polio cases reported this past week.
3 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/29/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36