July 12, 2019

Greeting, Meeting, and Seating (Ugh!)

by Jul 12, 2019MOJO Blog0 comments

One of the most enjoyable and rewarding benefits of Rotary membership is making and meeting new friends.  For me, I have been able to travel all over the US, meeting Rotarians of all walks of life, professions, young and experienced (nobody is old).  It is and continues to be a joy to travel.  All except one thing. 

Sitting for hours in uncomfortable chairs!  I want to invent a comfortable and affordable banquet chair that I can market and sell to hotels and convention facilities across the world.  Maybe in retirement.  

The meetings though are the best!  Unbelievable motivational speakers.  I have meet authors, RI presidents (past and future) world leaders, actors, and some ordinary but extra ordinary people.  You see, that’s what Rotary offers us.  The ability to CONNECT.  With others, to do Good, to learn, to shaare ideas, to raise awareness.  We have an amazing organization that we are part of.  If you are only eating vanilla ice cream (see my earlier post “Lets Indulge”),  you need to to go back to the Ice Cream buffet. 

See you soon.  

By PDG Scott McLaughlin

District Governor 2019-2020
PDG Scott is currently serving as an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 29 (Region 36). Scott is a member of the Paul Harris Society and Major Donor.Scott is a Rotarian in the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club of Kearney, NE

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