October 14, 2019

On Saturday October 12, 2019 the District Assembly was held at University of Nebraska at Kearney.  We were very privileged to have as our guest presenter, Mark Landmann, CEO DACdb (Distract and Club database).  As the senior developer and CEO of the company Mark is extremely knowledgeable of the internal and external workings of DACdb.  His training was excellent. 


So what is DACdb anyway?


DACdb is a powerful suite of software designed to make all the functions of your club’s member management easier. DACdb helps your Rotary club and our District effectively communicate and engage with all members while making management of individual profiles, events and more as easy as a few clicks.


DACdb helps you manage everything from managing member contact information, editing club bulletins, prospecting new members to registering for events. DACdb has a series of template reports designed for flexibility. It can adapt to fit your group’s current size and it can easily scale, adding further functionality as your club’s membership grows. Best of all it is fully integrated with Rotary.org and will keep your membership data at RI correct and up-to-date.


… and DACdb is FREE for your Rotary club to use.  Since we are using the software at the district level, your club has access to all of the standard features for free.  These standard features include:

  • RI Direct connect integration, to maintain members club and personal contact information
  • An executive Club dashboard with a detailed overview of your club’s activities
  • Club Member management (Active and Honorary Profiles, Club Leadership past, present and future, Club Committees, Interact, Alumni)
  • Club Bulletins, Club Calendar and Event Registration
  • PMail and PText communication to all members, prospects or a custom designation (ie: guests)
  • File storage for clubs public and secure documentation
  • Monthly attendance (weekly engagement/attendance is available as a premium addon)
  • Club survey module
  • Dozens of premade reports

Documents from the 10/12/19 Assembly

  • DACdb Product brochure                              CLICK the link     http://bit.ly/2Mu4qPc
  • DACdb Flyers and Promo materials           CLICK the link     http://bit.ly/35OQMOf 
  • DACdb Powerpoint presentation               CLICK the link     http://bit.ly/2J67JtS

What’s Next?

  1. Step 1. Check your email for the link to the Zoom.us recording from the 10/12/19 Assembly.
  2. Step 2.  Make sure you can login to DACdb.com.  
  3. Step 3.  Review ALL your club members for complete information (list all leadership, including as much past info as you can obtain)
  4. Step 4.  Connect your club with Rotary.org.  Follow these instructions: (http://bit.ly/2N3tlZ8)
  5. Step 5.  Perform a Club Member Compare report (under RI Integration tab, My Club)
  6. Step 6.  Start using DACdb.com with your club.  Let us know what you need help with.

By PDG Scott McLaughlin

District Governor 2019-2020
PDG Scott is currently serving as an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 29 (Region 36). Scott is a member of the Paul Harris Society and Major Donor.Scott is a Rotarian in the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club of Kearney, NE

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