Terry’s Polio Eradication Update

Rotary’s End Polio Now Day

Rotary’s End Polio Now Day

What is that Polio Picture? Many Rotarians are now engaged in ways to increase Polio Eradication awareness and fundraising around World Polio Day (Oct 24).  Have you considered an event like this one at Audi Field in Washington DC? See the picture...

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Literacy helps polio eradication

Literacy helps polio eradication

What is that Polio Picture? Literacy Helps Polio Eradication.  I'm a volunteer for a large Books For The World literacy project led by our District 5890 Rotary Club of Seabrook.  We have shipped over 400 - 40' containers of children's, Library, and...

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Polio Surveillance is critical in Afghanistan

Polio Surveillance is critical in Afghanistan

What is that Polio Picture? Polio Surveillance is critical in Afghanistan - Diary of a polio surveillance reviewer: eight days in Afghanistan’s west. Dr Abdinoor Mohamed, an epidemiologist tells us about his team's travel to Afghanistan to review...

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polio popup clinic in Rockland Co., NY

polio popup clinic in Rockland Co., NY

What is that Polio Picture? A Polio pop-up vaccination clinic was opened in Rockland County, N.Y., where a polio case was detected earlier this summer. Health authorities have urged people who are not vaccinated against Polio to get...

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