Word of the Day: Quiet

Word of the Day: Quiet

Word of the Day: Quiet

qui-et / ˈkwīət
1.      making little to no sound
You must keep quiet or say only things that improve silence.
Greek Proverb
2.      having little to no motion; calm
The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water.
Cameroonian Proverb
3.      free from sound or extraneous noise
There comes a time in every life when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your heart.
from ‘Just Listen’ by Sarah Dessen, 1970-
4.      free from tumult; peaceful
Who lives in a quiet house has plenty.
New Zealander Proverb
5.      marked by a lack of activity
I like to have quiet evenings and relax.
Gareth Gates, 1984-
6.      said or expressed in a gentle manner
[Men] take extra special care to listen to a quiet tone while they automatically shut out loud ones.
Sherrilyn Kenyon, 1965-
7.      subdued
[We] all know quiet colors by their instant calming effect.
1.      to pacify or cause to cease making noise
But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.
Psalm 131, verse 2, NIV Bible
2.      to stop making noise
Because when the world quiets to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things: comfort, love, and a peaceful heart.
from ‘Have a Little Faith: a True Story’ by Mitch Albom, 1958-
1.      the state of making little to no sound
Winter’s silence brings us to the inner quiet that speaks beyond normal words.
Bruce Davis, Ph.D., ?-
2.      the state of being peaceful and lacking tumult
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Helen Keller, 1880-1968

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

Word of the Day: Quiet

Word of the Day: Picture

Word of the Day: Picture

pic-ture / ˈpik(t)SHər
1.      a visual representation of something or someone, like a painting, photograph, etc.
A picture can hide as much as it reveals.
Alexandra Petri, 1988-
2.      a vivid description that triggers a mental image
It is too easy to say ‘what if’ and paint a picture of a perfect world.
Darren Shan, 1972-
3.      a copy or example
Justice is a rare illness in a world that is otherwise a picture of health.
from ‘The Angel’s Game’ by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, 1964-
4.      plural, movies
You oughta be in pictures,
You’re wonderful to see,
You oughta be in pictures,
Oh what a hit you would be!
from the song ‘You Oughta Be in Pictures’, lyrics by Edward Heyman, 1907-1981
5.      a situation
To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture.
Summer Sanders, 1972-
1.      to imagine or form a mental image
The image of them gently swaying to the music is how I picture love in my mind even after all these years.
from ‘The Name of the Wind’ by Patrick Rothfuss, 1973-
2.      to describe vividly
The universe can best be pictured as consisting of pure thought, the thought of what for want of a better word we must describe as a mathematical thinker.
James Jeans, 1877-1946
3.      to represent in an image
General de Gaulle is again pictured in our newspapers, looking as usual like an embattled codfish.
Sylvia Townsend Warner, 1893-1978
4.      to portray
[There] is a lot of evil in the world, and while maybe the devil isn’t exactly the way he’s pictured in old books and B-grade movies, he is active and fighting on the side of evil.
from ‘American Wife: A Memoir of Love, War, Faith and Renewal’ by Taya Kyle, 1974-

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

Word of the Day: Quiet

Word of the Day: Vacation

Word of the Day: Vacation

va-ca-tion / vāˈkāSH(ə)n,vəˈkāSH(ə)n
1.      a period of time spent away from home or work
The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don’t know how to rest.
Thich Nhat Hanh, 1926-
2.      a period during which usual activity is suspended
Life is a vacation from two eternities.
William S. Burroughs, 1914-1997
3.      respite from something
She was given a year’s vacation from office work and spent most of it in England and on the continent.
from ‘The Story of Chautauqua’ by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, 1843-1930
4.      an instance of leaving a place
An agent must take all reasonable steps to ensure that any final inspection of the property, on vacation of the property, is conducted in the presence of the tenant, unless otherwise authorized by the tenant.
1.      to holiday or travel for pleasure
Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation.
Zig Ziglar, 1926-2012

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

Feed my Starving Children event in Holdrege

Feed my Starving Children event in Holdrege

Feed my Starving Children event in Holdrege

Feed my Starving Children

For the eighth year, Holdrege area churches and the several area Rotary clubs will come together in Holdrege for the annual event “Feed my Starving Children.”

If history repeats itself, On Aug. 16 and 17, volunteers should pack up 350,000 meals which will make their way to hungry and deserving families around the developing world.


While other groups may also be working to combat hunger, Michele High of the Holdrege Rotary Club said these meals are very different.

If you would like to volunteer to pack meals, please contact your local Rotary club, or contact Michelle through the Holdrege Rotary Club at holdregepack@gmail.com.

After seven years, the Holdrege group has sent over 1.5 million meals to children across the world.

Friday August 16th

  • 6:30 PM Shift
  • 8:30 PM Shift

Saturday August 17th

  • 8:00 AM Shift
  • 11:00 AM Shift

Word of the Day: Quiet

Word of the Day: Thrift

Word of the Day: Thrift

thrift / Thrift
1.      the management of money; frugality
Thrift is independence.
Chinese Proverb
2.      a credit union or savings bank, also called a ‘ institution
Thrifts are generally smaller, local institutions and don’t have the reach or resources of a large national bank.
Rosemary Peavler, ?- , thebalancesmb.com/thrift-institution-393341
3.      any plant belonging to genus Armeria, which contains low-growing perennial herbs
There are many tufts of Thrift growing among the rocks; and each tuft has a number of pink flowers.
from ‘On the Seashore’ by R. Cadwallader Smith, ?-
4.      vigorous plant growth
There were cattle-sheds and signs of thrift in its garden plot.
from ‘The Land We Live In’ by Henry Mann, ?-

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.