Word of the Day Archives
Word of the Day: Attentive
at-ten-tive / ə-ˈten-tiv adjective 1. observant; paying close attention He who speaks...
Word of the Day: Time and Thyme
Time is Too Slow for those who Wait, Too Swift for those who Fear, Too Long for those who Grieve,...
Word of the Day: Sight
sight / sīt noun 1. the faculty of seeing; vision Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins...
Word of the Day: Frugal and Frugality
frugal fru-gal / ˈfrü-gəl adjective 1. careful with money; thrifty Living a frugal...
Word of the Day: Spin
spin / spin verb 1. to twist some material into thread or yarn A man of great memory...
Word of the Day: Animal
an-i-mal / a-nə-məl noun 1. any of the members of kingdom Animalia, which have sensory...
Word of the Day: Produce
pro-duce / prə-ˈdüs (v), ˈprō-(ˌ)düs (n) verb 1. to cause to exist Fine words do not...
Word of the Day: Repent and Repentance
repent re-pent / ri-ˈpent verb 1. to turn from sin and better oneself To grieve over sin...
Word of the Day: Poem
po-em / ˈpō-əm noun 1. a composition typically written in verse which may or may not...
Word of the Day: Headlong
head-long / ˈhedˌlôNG adjective 1. done suddenly and quickly As a boy holding to a post...