Word of the Day: Friendly

by Aug 1, 2019The Dictionary Project: Word of the Day

friend-ly / ˈfren(d)-lē
1.      showing kindly interest
With a friendly word you get farther than with a club.
Ukrainian Proverb
2.      not hostile
You can proclaim the truth also in a friendly way.
Turkish Proverb
3.      serving a beneficial purpose
Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.
Joseph Addison, 1672-1719
4.      easy to understand, often used in combination
Computers have become more friendly, understandable, and lots of years and thought have been put into developing software to convince people that they want and need a computer. 
Roberta Williams, 1953 –
5.      not likely to cause harm
Environmentally friendly cars will soon cease to be an option…they will become a necessity.
Fujio Cho, 1937-
6.      cheerful; comforting
To make the world a friendly place,
One must show it a friendly face.
James Whitcomb Riley, 1849-1916
7.      designed to accommodate particular needs, groups, etc., usually used in combination
More and more companies are updating their leave policies to reflect an understanding that being family-friendly is a smart investment in their workforce and America’s future. 
Suzan DelBene, 1962 –

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

By PDG Scott McLaughlin

District Governor 2019-2020
PDG Scott is currently serving as an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 29 (Region 36). Scott is a member of the Paul Harris Society and Major Donor.Scott is a Rotarian in the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club of Kearney, NE

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