Word of the Day Archives
Word of the Day: Eponymous
e-pon-y-mous / əˈpänəməs adjective 1. of or relating to the person or thing for...
Word of the Day: Bow, Beau and Bough
Bow bow / ˈbau̇ verb (1) 1. to bend at the waist or head as a sign of respect...
Word of the Day: Grief
grief / ɡrēf noun 1. deep sadness, often caused by bereavementA day of grief...
Word of the Day: Dazzle
daz-zle / ˈdazəl verb 1. to cause to lose vision momentarily, typically due to...
Word of the Day: Cause
cause / ˈkȯz noun 1. a reason or motiveHe never was a friend who ceased to be so...
Word of the Day: Grant
grant / grant verb 1. to give approval to or fulfill a requestPatience is the...
Word of the Day: Harmonious
har-mo-ni-ous / härˈmōnēəs adjective 1. pleasing to the ear; musically...
Word of the Day: Aisle, Isle and I’ll
aisle aisle / īl noun 1. the passageway between seats, shelves, counters, etc....
Word of the Day: Verbatim
ver-ba-tim / vərˈbādəm adverb 1. in the exact same wordsI will never repeat...
Word of the Day: Lugubrious
lu-gu-bri-ous / lu̇-ˈgü-brē-əs adjective 1. mournful, usually in an exaggerated...