Word of the Day Archives
Word of the Day: Intention
in-ten-tion / in-ˈten(t)-shən noun 1. an instance of deciding to do something; resolve...
Word of the Day: Luminous
lu-mi-nous / ˈlü-mə-nəs adjective 1. brightly shining You have been called to be who you...
Word of the Day: Student
stu-dent / ˈstü-dᵊnt noun 1. one who studies and learns Take the attitude of a student,...
Word of the Day: Memory
mem-o-ry / mem-rē noun 1. the power or mental faculty of being able to recall facts,...
Word of the Day: Borough, Burro and Burrow
borough bor-ough / bûr-ō noun 1. an incorporated town in some states Our language can be...
Word of the Day: Sharp
sharp / SHärp adjective 1. having a fine point March on, and fear not the thorns, or the...
Word of the Day: Pardon
par-don / ˈpär-dᵊn noun 1. an act of excusing an offense without giving consequences No love...
Word of the Day: Spectrum
spec-trum / spek-trəm noun 1. a continuum of colors, typically light waves, arranged as...
Word of the Day: Unlimited
un-lim-it-ed / ˌən-ˈli-mə-təd adjective 1. lacking restrictions The key to abundance is...
Word of the Day: Remembrance
re-mem-brance / ri-ˈmem-brən(t)s 1. the state of keeping in the mind Pleasure is the flower...