PolIomyelitis in the tomb of Userhat – Egypt

PolIomyelitis in the tomb of Userhat – Egypt

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week!

What is that Polio Picture? Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that can affect polio survivors decades after they recover from their initial poliovirus infection.

World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 325 Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (62 in 2020), DRC – 10 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 9 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020),Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 187 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 14 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Ukraine – 1 (0 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).

New This WeekCote d Ivoire – 1 (2020) cVDPV2 Case,  Nigeria – 17 cVDPV2 Cases, Tajikistan 4 cVDPV2 environmental samples, Ukraine – 1 cVDPV2 Case.

A total of 1,108 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“There’s something about the whole idea of eradicating polio that grabs the imagination.  Most people take steps toward achievements, and it’s almost always into the never-never.  Eradication is a zero sum game; anything short of zero is a failure.  You keep getting closer and closer, but ultimately the only number that actually matters is zero.”

Aiden O’Leary, WHO Polio Eradication Director

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

novel oral polio vaccine against type 2 poliovirus (nOPV2)

novel oral polio vaccine against type 2 poliovirus (nOPV2)

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week!

What is that Polio Picture? A decade in the making, the novel oral polio vaccine against type 2 poliovirus (nOPV2) could help the world finally reach Polio eradication.Photo: World Health Organization.

World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 307 Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (61 in 2020), DRC – 10 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 8 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 151 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 14 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).

New This Week – Guinea – 1 cVDPV2 Environmental Sample, Madagascar – 2 cVDPV2 Cases, Mauritania – 2 cVDPV2 Samples, Senegal – 1 cVDPV2 Case & 3 cVDPV2 Samples

A total of 1,107 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“Afghanistan is one of two countries in the world where polio remains endemic. With only one case of wild poliovirus reported so far this year, compared to 56 in 2020, there has never been a better time to eradicate polio. However, the polio program will struggle to respond if the basic immunization infrastructure begins to collapse around it.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization
Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean
on their visit to Kabul

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

type 2 novel oral Polio vaccine (nOPV2) being Used across Africa

type 2 novel oral Polio vaccine (nOPV2) being Used across Africa

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week! For the first time this year, there were no Reported Wild or Vaccine Induced Polio cases as well as no Polio-positive Polio Virus environmental samples detected this week.

What is that Polio Picture? The type 2 novel oral Polio vaccine (nOPV2) is being rolled out across Africa to help more sustainably address outbreaks of a non-wild form of polio, cVDPV2, and protect children across the continent.

World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 304 Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (61 in 2020), DRC – 10 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 6 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 151 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 13 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).

A total of 1,107 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

If we wait for the perfect answer, the world will pass us by.”

Jack Welch, former General Electric CEO 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

What is that Polio Picture?  World Polio Day – October 24, 2021

Register your club’s participation in World Polio Day to show how Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs around the world are taking action to eradicate polio here: https://bit.ly/3tPSzPF.  If you register your events, fundraisers, and promotions by 14 October, you’ll get early access to a download of Rotary’s World Polio Day Global Update one week before the program will be shown on 24 October on Rotary’s Facebook page and endpolio.org.

World Polio Day!  Raise Funds & Awareness for Rotary’s #1 Priority

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

Did You Know – That this year, the World Polio Day Program will be available for download early to clubs which have registered a World Polio Day event?

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 304 Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (61 in 2020), DRC – 10 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 6 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (52 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 151 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 13 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).

A total of 1,107 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

The Rotary Foundation is the masterpiece of Rotary International.  It transforms our most daring dreams into the most splendid realities.”

Paulo V. C. Costa, Past RI President and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair 1995-1996 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  Three WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

CDC understands the value of public health, partnership

CDC understands the value of public health, partnership

What is that Polio Picture? August 26, 2021, Brazzaville – Governments from the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region have committed to ending all remaining forms of polio and presented a scorecard to track progress towards the eradication of the virus. The commitments came at a dedicated meeting on polio at the Seventy-first WHO Regional Committee for Africa.  

Like this Nigerian girl, CDC understands the value of public health, partnership and walking the last mile to defeat polio.

CDC’s Dr. Richard Franka reflects on his encounter in 2018, “while her parents worked nearby, this big sister gave her brother the gift of lifetime protection against polio by bringing him to the immunization campaign site.”


 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 294 – Afghanistan – 43 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 2 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 1 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (61 in 2020), DRC – 10 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 9 (36 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 6 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 3 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 6 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (51 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 141 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 13 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 5 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 9 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 32 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).

A total of 1,106 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“Baseball is like church.  Many attend, but few understand.”

Wes Westrum (Mets Manager 1965-1967)

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Sample were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36