Vaccinator marking a vaccinated child in Pakistan

Vaccinator marking a vaccinated child in Pakistan

What is that Polio Picture? This picture shows A vaccinator marking a vaccinated child during the March 2021 NIDs in Punjab district, Pakistan. © WHO/EMRO.

GENEVA, 10 June 2021 – Today, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) will launch the Polio Eradication Strategy 2022-2026: Delivering on a Promise at a virtual event, to overcome the remaining challenges to ending polio, including setbacks caused by COVID-19. While polio cases have fallen 99.9% since 1988, polio remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and persistent barriers to reaching every child with polio vaccines and the pandemic have contributed to an increase in polio cases.

 A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 100 – Afghanistan – 40 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 1 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 2 (62 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (72 in 2020), DRC – 7 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 0 (26 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 5 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 2 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 4 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (48 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020),  Niger – 0 (8 in 2020), Nigeria – 8 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Senegal  – 4 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 4 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 6 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 6 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 2 (33 in 2020).

A total of 1,087 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“As a global community, we have stood before where we stand today, with Smallpox.  The scourge of Smallpox is gone, for which the world is a much better place. Let us make history again.  It is time to finish the job of Polio eradication now.  Eradicate Polio, and make the world a better place for future generations.”

Professor Alejandro Cravioto
Chair of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  Three WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Sample was reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Dr. Samreen Khalil, WHO Polio Eradication Officer in Pakistan

Dr. Samreen Khalil, WHO Polio Eradication Officer in Pakistan

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


NO new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture? This picture shows Dr. Samreen Khalil, WHO Polio Eradication Officer in Pakistan, as she collects a sample from Muhammad Shabir in order to perform tests for COVID-19.  Most of our Polio staff and volunteers are participating in Covid as well as Polio eradication activities.


A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 2 – Afghanistan – 0 (304 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 0 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 0 (59 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), China – 0 (0 In 2020), Congo – 0 (1 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (72 in 2020), DRC – 0 (78 in 2020), Ethiopia – 0 (24 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 0 (39 in 2020), Mali – 0 (36 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020), Myanmar – 0 (0 in 2020), Pakistan – 1 (135 in 2020), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2020).  Niger – 0 (8 in 2020), Nigeria – 0 (8 in 2020) Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Sierra Leone – 0 (3 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 0 (40 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (57 in 2020), Tajikistan – 1 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Yemen – 0 (30 in 2020), Zambia – 0 (0 in 2020).

A total of 1,016 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“If you have integrity, nothing else matters.  If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” – Alan K Simpson 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




0 new Polio cases reported this week.
0 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 11/23/20.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  Four Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/19/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36

Friendship Gate Border crossing between Afghanistan & Pakistan

Friendship Gate Border crossing between Afghanistan & Pakistan

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


NO new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  Today’s Polio picture shows the Friendship Gate – a border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan where goods, livestock, and sometimes, the Poliovirus, passes from one country to another.  Both countries are working together to make sure everyone passing through the Gate is immunized.


Rotary and our Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners are working to deploy a new polio vaccine – novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) – to better assist the countries fighting circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreaks. We look forward to sharing more information on this innovative new tool when it is deployed in the very near future.


A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1 – Afghanistan – 0 (303 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 0 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 0 (59 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), China – 0 (0 In 2020), Congo – 0 (1 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (71 in 2020), DRC – 0 (76 in 2020), Ethiopia – 0 (21 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 0 (39 in 2020), Mali – 0 (35 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020), Myanmar – 0 (0 in 2020), Pakistan – 1 (135 in 2020), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2020).  Niger – 0 (8 in 2020), Nigeria – 0 (8 in 2020) Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020), Sierra Leone – 0 (3 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 0 (40 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (56 in 2020), Tajikistan – 0 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), Yemen – 0 (30 in 2020), Zambia – 0 (0 in 2020).

1007 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“The best way to honor our front line health workers is to ensure that we finish the job and build a better future for all of our children and future generations.” – Saira Afzal Tarar. Pakistan’s National Health Services Minister 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





0 new Polio cases reported this week.
0 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 11/23/20.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  Four Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/19/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36