Extraordinary cooperation to detect Poliovirus in Sudan

Extraordinary cooperation to detect Poliovirus in Sudan

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  We are now 6 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case – on 6/10/23 in Afghanistan. 

What is that Polio Picture? It takes extraordinary cooperation to detect Poliovirus in conflict areas like Sudan.

Much like a relay race, in AFP surveillance, speed and coordination are key. Once health teams find a child with AFP, the race begins. But emergencies often present additional hurdles. In one of the localities in Sudan’s White Nile state, Ahmed Masaood, a health worker, was tasked with collecting two stool samples from a child presenting with AFP. However, when the roads outside turned unsafe during Ahmed’s visit, he ended up having to seek refuge with the family he was visiting for two nights.

As soon as he could, he rushed to the state cold room with his stool carrier to drop off the samples for storage until they could be tested.

The next lap of the race involves getting children’s stool samples to a WHO-accredited laboratory for testing. Due to the conflict, Sudan’s polio laboratory is not functioning, which meant the polio programme urgently needed to look for another laboratory to test stool samples to determine if children presenting with AFP had indeed been infected with poliovirus.

In a remarkable partnership, Sudan’s polio program teamed up with Egypt’s health authorities to use the VACSERA laboratory in Giza for this crucial task. Senior decision makers at the Egyptian Ministry of Health not only approved the collaboration but instructed for it to begin as soon as possible.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 186 Benin – 3, Burkina Faso – 1, Central African Republic – 10, Chad – 15, Cote d’ Ivoire – 2, DR Congo – 107, Indonesia – 3, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 13, Mali – 3, Mozambique – 3, Nigeria – 19, Somalia – 2, Tanzania – 1, Zambia – 1.

New Polio Cases & Samples This Week –

  • Chad: five cVDPV2 cases
  • Congo: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample
  • DR Congo: eight cVDPV1 cases, 16 cVDPV2 cases and two cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
  • Madagascar: eight cVDPV1 positive environmental samples
  • Somalia: three cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
  • Tanzania: one cVDPV2 case
  • Zambia: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 912 Afghanistan – 43, Algeria – 3, Benin – 11 (3 in 2021), Burundi – 1, Cameroon – 3 (3 in 2021), Central African Republic – 6, Chad -44 (0 in 2021), DR Congo – 507 (28 in 2021), Republic of Congo – 1, Eritrea – 1, Ethiopia – 1, Ghana – 3, Indonesia – 1, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 14 (13 in 2021), Malawi – 4, Mali – 2, Mozambique – 22 (2 in 2021), Niger – 16 (18 in 2021), Nigeria – 48 (415 in 2021), Pakistan – 8, Somalia – 5 (1 in 2021), Sudan – 1, Togo – 2, United States – 1, Yemen – 162 (69 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases -689 in 22 Countries.  

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1,113 in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“Let’s think BIG about our Polio fundraising this year. Begin planning your World Polio Day fundraiser now for October 24 if you haven’t already.”

— Barry Rassin, Rotary Foundation Chair 2023-24

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




as of 8/5/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 2/20/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2023
20 Wild Polio cases – 2022
1 Wild Polio case – 2021
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020




as of 8/5/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 6/10/23.
WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
5 Wild Polio cases – 2023 (all from Nangarhar Province)
2 Wild Polio case – 2022
4 Wild Polio cases – 2021
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor Rotary Region 36

Polio – Africa

Polio – Africa

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  We are now 5 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case – on 6/10/23 in Afghanistan. 

What is that Polio Picture? Polio – Africa – With over 117 confirmed cases of circulating variant polioviruses and 107 detections in sampled wastewater so far in the African Region in 2023, the Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) has urged countries and health partners to urgently address gaps in Polio immunity to avert outbreaks.

Have you made your 2023-24 Rotary Year donation to The Rotary Foundation’s PolioPlus Fund? If not, why not do it today!

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 141 Benin – 3, Burkina Faso – 1, Central African Republic – 10, Chad – 10, Cite d’ Ivoire – 2, DR Congo – 71, Indonesia – 3, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 13, Mali – 3, Mozambique – 3, Nigeria – 16, Somalia – 2, Zambia – 1.

New Polio Cases & Samples This Week –

  • Pakistan: one WPV1 positive environmental sample
  • Benin: two cVDPV2 cases (2022)
  • Central African Republic: three cVDPV2 cases and one positive environmental sample
  • Kenya: two cVDPV2 cases (linked to Somalia)
  • Madagascar: 19 cVDPV1 positive environmental samples
  • Niger : one cVDPV2 case (2022)

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 909 Afghanistan – 43, Algeria – 3, Benin – 11 (3 in 2021), Burundi – 1, Cameroon – 3 (3 in 2021), Central African Republic – 5, Chad -44 (0 in 2021), DR Congo – 507 (28 in 2021), Republic of Congo – 1, Eritrea – 1, Ethiopia – 1, Ghana – 3, Indonesia – 1, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 14 (13 in 2021), Malawi – 4, Mali – 2, Mozambique – 22 (2 in 2021), Niger – 15 (18 in 2021), Nigeria – 48 (415 in 2021), Pakistan – 8, Somalia – 5 (1 in 2021), Sudan – 1, Togo – 2, United States – 1, Yemen – 162 (69 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases -689 in 22 Countries.  

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1,113 in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“It is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.”

— Amelia Earhart

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




as of 7/15/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 2/20/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2023
20 Wild Polio cases – 2022
1 Wild Polio case – 2021
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020




as of 7/15/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 6/10/23.
WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
5 Wild Polio cases – 2023 (all from Nangarhar Province)
2 Wild Polio case – 2022
4 Wild Polio cases – 2021
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor Rotary Region 36

To End Polio – We must end it everywhere!

To End Polio – We must end it everywhere!

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  We are now 4 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case – on 6/10/23 in Afghanistan. 

What is that Polio Picture? To End Polio – We must end it everywhere! Including the Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases in Africa

Congratulations To – Soccer Aid for UNICEF, in Manchester, United Kingdom, where celebrities, fans, and global health leaders came together to raise US$ 18 million for UNICEF—funds that are critical to help provide vaccines to children against deadly diseases like Polio.

Have you made your 2023-24 Rotary Year donation to The Rotary Foundation’s PolioPlus Fund? If not, why not do it today!

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 136 Benin – 3, Central African Republic – 7, Chad – 10, Cite d’ Ivoire – 2, DR Congo – 71, Indonesia – 3, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 13, Mali – 3, Mozambique – 3, Nigeria – 16, Somalia – 2, Zambia – 1.

New Polio Cases & Samples This Week –

  • Algeria: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample
  • Botswana: two cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
  • Burkina Faso: one cVDPV2 case
  • Burundi: two cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
  • Cameroon: three cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
  • Chad: two cVDPV2 cases
  • Côte d’Ivoire: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample
  • Madagascar: six cVDPV1 positive environmental samples
  • Nigeria: six cVDPV2 cases and one positive environmental sample

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 909 Afghanistan – 43, Algeria – 3, Benin – 11 (3 in 2021), Burundi – 1, Cameroon – 3 (3 in 2021), Central African Republic – 5, Chad -44 (0 in 2021), DR Congo – 507 (28 in 2021), Republic of Congo – 1, Eritrea – 1, Ethiopia – 1, Ghana – 3, Indonesia – 1, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 14 (13 in 2021), Malawi – 4, Mali – 2, Mozambique – 22 (2 in 2021), Niger – 15 (18 in 2021), Nigeria – 48 (415 in 2021), Pakistan – 8, Somalia – 5 (1 in 2021), Sudan – 1, Togo – 2, United States – 1, Yemen – 162 (69 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases -689 in 22 Countries.  

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1,113 in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“When Woodrow Wilson ran for office, people asked him why he was leaving his role as President of Princeton University. His answer was ‘I was tired of the politics’.”

— Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), 28th President of the United States 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




as of 7/8/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 2/20/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2023
20 Wild Polio cases – 2022
1 Wild Polio case – 2021
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020




as of 7/8/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 6/10/23.
WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
5 Wild Polio cases – 2023 (all from Nangarhar Province)
2 Wild Polio case – 2022
4 Wild Polio cases – 2021
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor Rotary Region 36

Collecting polio environmental sample, training health workers in Nigeria

Collecting polio environmental sample, training health workers in Nigeria

No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  We are now 3 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case – on 6/10/23 in Afghanistan. 

What is that Polio Picture? Dr Humayun Asghar – Collecting the first sample for polio environmental surveillance while training health workers, Nigeria. © WHO . “Dr Humayun has sowed the seeds of Acute Flaccid Paralysis surveillance in Pakistan all through his own initiative and drive and nurtured and supported the lab network in the Eastern Mediterranean Region; as one of the architects of the regional and global laboratory network, he has contributed to building a great legacy.” Dr Hamid Jafari, WHO Polio Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, says this contribution to Polio eradication cannot be overstated.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 125 Benin – 3, Central African Republic – 7, Chad – 8, Cite d’ Ivoire – 2, DR Congo – 71, Indonesia – 3, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 13, Mali – 3, Mozambique – 3, Nigeria – 10, Somalia – 2, Zambia – 1.

New Polio Cases & Samples This Week –

  • Côte d’Ivoire: one cVDPV2 positive environmental sample
  • DR Congo: four cVDPV1 and three cVDPV2 cases
  • Madagascar: three cVDPV1 cases and eight cVDPV1 positive environmental samples
  • Nigeria: three cVDPV2 cases
  • Zambia: one cVDPV2 case

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 909 Afghanistan – 43, Algeria – 3, Benin – 11 (3 in 2021), Burundi – 1, Cameroon – 3 (3 in 2021), Central African Republic – 5, Chad -44 (0 in 2021), DR Congo – 507 (28 in 2021), Republic of Congo – 1, Eritrea – 1, Ethiopia – 1, Ghana – 3, Indonesia – 1, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 14 (13 in 2021), Malawi – 4, Mali – 2, Mozambique – 22 (2 in 2021), Niger – 15 (18 in 2021), Nigeria – 48 (415 in 2021), Pakistan – 8, Somalia – 5 (1 in 2021), Sudan – 1, Togo – 2, United States – 1, Yemen – 162 (69 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases -689 in 22 Countries.  

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1,113 in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

— Mae West (1893-1980), American Actress 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




as of 7/1/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 2/20/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2023
20 Wild Polio cases – 2022
1 Wild Polio case – 2021
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020




as of 7/1/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 6/10/23.
WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
5 Wild Polio cases – 2023 (all from Nangarhar Province)
2 Wild Polio case – 2022
4 Wild Polio cases – 2021
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor Rotary Region 36

Our Super Advocates are Polio Survivors

Our Super Advocates are Polio Survivors

One new Wild Polio cases reported this week.  We are now 2 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case – on 6/10/23 in Afghanistan. 

What is that Polio Picture? Many of our Super Advocates for Global Polio Eradication are Polio Survivors. When Ibrahim Mohammed was 12 years old, his life was altered forever when his left leg was paralyzed after contracting poliovirus. Not wanting to see the same devastation happen to other children, today Ibrahim uses his perspective and experience as a polio survivor to advocate for polio immunization in his community of Guasu, the capital of Zamfara State. Ibrahim supports that an extensive vaccination exercise is important to stopping transmission of the virus and is glad to educate residents about the need to eradicate all forms of polio in the state.

He is working with a team of vaccinators in ensuring all eligible children in the allocated catchment area in his LGA receive the vaccine. Leveraging his experience as a mobilizer during the wild Poliovirus eradication campaigns, he goes from house to house to convince parents to vaccinate their children against polio because he does not want any child in Gusau to be paralyzed by polio like him.

Ibrahim sometimes feels sad because his paralysis deters him from doing many things, and does not want anyone to experience it. “Many times my story makes the parents understand the consequences of their children not getting vaccinated. No parent wants their children paralyzed. But some parents are still not convinced and refused to allow their children to receive vaccination. They won’t accept the polio vaccine saying it will have a harmful effect on their children.

The level of awareness and reception from the community on immunization matters is now better compared to some years back when the parents usually abuse us, stone us or chase us away with sticks,” he says. Under the Extended National Immunization Program, oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine are provided to children across the country as part of routine immunization.

Ibrahim is however optimistic that Nigeria can eradicate the Circulating Variant Poliovirus type 2 (cVPDP2), in the way it eradicated the wild poliovirus.

Now, Ibrahim hopes for Nigeria’s polio-free future!
A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 117 Benin – 3, Central African Republic – 7, Chad – 8, Cite d’ Ivoire – 2, DR Congo – 65, Indonesia – 3, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 10, Mali – 3, Mozambique – 3, Nigeria – 10, Somalia – 2.

New Polio Cases & Samples This Week –

  • Afghanistan: one WPV1 case
  • Benin: one cVDPV2 case
  • Madagascar: three cVDPV1 cases and one cVDPV1 positive environmental sample
  • Mali: one cVDPV2 case

2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total – 909 Afghanistan – 43, Algeria – 3, Benin – 11 (3 in 2021), Burundi – 1, Cameroon – 3 (3 in 2021), Central African Republic – 5, Chad -44 (0 in 2021), DR Congo – 507 (28 in 2021), Republic of Congo – 1, Eritrea – 1, Ethiopia – 1, Ghana – 3, Indonesia – 1, Israel – 1, Madagascar – 14 (13 in 2021), Malawi – 4, Mali – 2, Mozambique – 22 (2 in 2021), Niger – 15 (18 in 2021), Nigeria – 48 (415 in 2021), Pakistan – 8, Somalia – 5 (1 in 2021), Sudan – 1, Togo – 2, United States – 1, Yemen – 162 (69 in 2021).

2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases -689 in 22 Countries.  

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 1,113 in 26 countries in 2020.

Quote of the Day

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

— Bishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021), Anglican bishop, Nobel Peace Price 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:




as of 6/24/2023

0 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 2/20/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2023
20 Wild Polio cases – 2022
1 Wild Polio case – 2021
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020




as of 6/24/2023

1 new Polio cases reported this week. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 6/10/23.
0 WPV1 and 0 CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
5 Wild Polio cases – 2023
2 Wild Polio case – 2022
4 Wild Polio cases – 2021
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor Rotary Region 36