Child wondering why children not being vaccinated

Child wondering why children not being vaccinated

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


Three new Wild Polio cases reported this week

What is that Polio Picture? This World Polio Day picture shows a vaccinated child wondering why not every other child in the world is being vaccinated. There is still time for you to make a donation to recognize World Polio Day. l made a donation to PolioPlus last week in honor of World Polio Day. Will you please join me?

“Just a decade ago, three-quarters of all of the world’s polio cases caused by the wild virus were contracted in Africa. Now, more than a billion Africans are safe from the disease. “But we’re not done; we’re in pursuit of an even greater triumph — a world without polio. And I can’t wait.” Ade Adepitan – from the 2020 World Polio Day update

Let’s Take Action!  World Polio Day – October 24

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

Join the effort to vaccinate children and end polio by organizing a World Polio Day event for your club and community. In 2019, Rotary members held more than 5,900 events in 136 countries. This year, online events and activities will allow us to expand our reach even more and inspire others to join us.

Now that we are down to the Final Two Polio Endemic Countries – I will be listing Sixteen Reasons We need to End Polio in Pakistan (from  # 8. A polio-free world is a better place to live in.  Over 19 million people, who would otherwise have been paralyzed by polio, are walking on their own today due to the global polio eradication effort.

 Vaccine Derived Polio Cases –   548  Vaccine Derived Polio Cases reported in 2020:  Afghanistan – 101 (0 in 2019), Angola – 3 (129 in 2019), Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 37 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 5 (0 in 2019), CAR – 2 (21 in 2019),Chad 69 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019),    Cote d’ Ivoire 48 (0 in 2019),DRC – 56 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 11, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019),Nigeria – 3 (18 in 2019),Pakistan – 64 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019). Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019),  Somalia – 9 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 3 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 39, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019), Yemen – 16, Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019).

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

“It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know.”  Publilius Syrus 85-43 BC

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





2 new Polio cases reported this week.
79 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/03/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. One Polio-Positive Environmental Sample was reported this week in Pakistan.




1 new Polio cases reported this past week.
53 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 9/13/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019. One Polio-Positive Environmental Sample was reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26