October 02, 2019

As the District Governor, the most exciting event is to welcome new members to our clubs and organization.  New members help us to refocus our club’s attention on the items that are important to our mission.  New members can bring new energy, with new ideas for our efforts.

Where do you find new members?  Review your club demographics and compare it to your community.  Does your club represent the same makeup as your community?  Who is missing from your community in your club? Does your club represent community diversity?  Do you have younger members, women members, minority members?

What is it about your club that is important in your community.  Is there a special need in your community that is not being fulfilled that your club can satisfy?  Can you match these community volunteers to our Rotary ideals? Is there a special cause, focus or niche (health, education, ECO, etc,) that your club support?  Identify these individuals in your community and invite them to join Rotary.

We need to always keep in mind that the lifeblood of our organization is continually growing our membership.  We should ask our members what is important to them when we invite them.  Everyone has a different purpose for joining Rotary.  But just by joining, their membership appetite is not fulfilled by attending a weekly meeting. Have they joined for professional development, business networking, meaningful service opportunities, fellowship or socialization?

We need to make sure that our members are knowledgable about our organization.  Do your new members have an opportunity for an orientation?  Can you partner new members with existing Rotarians for the opportunity to mentor?  Are we offering them value propositions for their membership investment?

New members want to be involved.  We need to be clear and provide new members with Rotary expectations right upfront.  There should not be any surprises after a member is welcomed.

To this end, I would like to welcome every new member in person when I am invited to your new member induction ceremonies.  I have a special pin that I will present when I’m involved and invited.  This pin is unique and a conversation starter.  Please schedule your induction ceremonies with me so I can recognize and welcome your new members.


By PDG Scott McLaughlin

District Governor 2019-2020
PDG Scott is currently serving as an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 29 (Region 36). Scott is a member of the Paul Harris Society and Major Donor.Scott is a Rotarian in the Kearney Dawn Rotary Club of Kearney, NE

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