Feed my Starving Children, SUCCESS!

On Friday August 16th and Saturday August 17th, Holdrege Rotary Club #1488 hosted a Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack. The volunteer packers came from 26 area churches and organizations. It was my honor to be there for all three scheduled packing sessions. I was truly blown away with everyone that showed up on Friday night. We had at least 350 volunteers who arrived (eager to wear beautiful party hats; AKA, hairnets). They were probably as young as 4 or 5 and well into their 80’s or maybe 90’s. Everyone could help, and everyone had a job.
The meals are based on rice, soy, vitamins and chicken flavoring to feed malnourished children. Michele High from Holdrege Rotary did an amazing job shepherding people to get ready for all these volunteers. She had a lot of help from others in the club including Bob Butz and Chuck Mix. Everything went so smooth. I know that many others did a lot of work behind the scenes to get set up before any of the volunteers could begin to pack a single meal.
Working together there were 638 volunteers that packed 720 boxes. Each box contains 36 bags of food. Volunteers packed a total of 25,920 serving bags, that is 155,520 meals! they did this in just 6 hours, so it was truly an orchestra to behold. Check out the pictures below.
Thank you to all of our individual financial donors and 12 corporate sponsors for helping us cover the $37,375 cost of the meals AND thank you to all who gave up their time to get the packing done! With your help, we reached our 2019 packing goal to feed 426 children for one full year!