Feed my Starving Children event in Holdrege
Feed my Starving Children

For the eighth year, Holdrege area churches and the several area Rotary clubs will come together in Holdrege for the annual event “Feed my Starving Children.”
If history repeats itself, On Aug. 16 and 17, volunteers should pack up 350,000 meals which will make their way to hungry and deserving families around the developing world.

While other groups may also be working to combat hunger, Michele High of the Holdrege Rotary Club said these meals are very different.
If you would like to volunteer to pack meals, please contact your local Rotary club, or contact Michelle through the Holdrege Rotary Club at holdregepack@gmail.com.
After seven years, the Holdrege group has sent over 1.5 million meals to children across the world.
Friday August 16th
- 6:30 PM Shift
- 8:30 PM Shift
Saturday August 17th
- 8:00 AM Shift
- 11:00 AM Shift