What is that Polio Picture? This picture shows a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist interacting with her Caliper LifeSciences’ Zephyr Molecular Biology Workstation, working with samples to be tested using a real-time PCR machine, known as a themocycler, in order to identify the various types of Poliovirus contained in a sample. The data from this analysis is stored in a computer, while the software further analyzes the data before being reviewed by a scientist. The themocycler can vary the temperature, which is important, for PCR requires multiple test rounds at different temperatures. In the instrument, viral RNA is copied into DNA and then the DNA is amplified. Specific probes bind to the DNA, in order to determine what type of polio present. One hundred ten labs around the world can run this assay, and can tell if an isolate contains Polio, or not, and if so, what kind.
The Last of the comprehensive list of actions on the “Delivering On A Promise – Polio Eradication Strategy 2022-2026″ is: Implementing innovative new tools – such as digital payments to frontline health workers, to further improve the impact and efficiency of Polio campaigns.
The 2022-26 Polio Eradication Strategy underscores the urgency of 2021-2026 Polio eradication efforts and offers a comprehensive set of actions that will position the GPEI to achieve a Polio-free world!
A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!
Did You Know – That this year, the World Polio Day Program will be available for download early to clubs which have registered a World Polio Day event?
2021 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 144 – Afghanistan – 42 (308 in 2020), Angola – 0 (3 in 2020),Benin – 1 (3 in 2020), Burkina Faso – 2 (65 in 2020), Cameroon – 0 (7 in 2020), CAR – 0 (4 in 2020), Chad – 0 (99 in 2020), Congo – 2 (2 in 2020), Cote d’ Ivoire – 0 (61 in 2020), DRC – 8 (81 in 2020), Ethiopia – 6 (26 in 2020), Ghana – 0 (11 in 2020), Guinea – 5 (44 in 2020), Liberia – 2 (0 in 2020),Madagascar – 4 (2 in 2020), Mali – 0 (48 in 2020), Malaysia – 0 (1 in 2020), Niger – 0 (10 in 2020), Nigeria – 22 (8 in 2020), Pakistan – 8 (135 in 2020), Philippines – 0 (1 in 2020),Senegal – 11 (0 in 2020) ,Sierra Leone – 4 (10 in 2020), Somalia – 0 (13 in 2020), South Sudan – 8 (50 in 2020), Sudan – 0 (58 in 2020), Tajikistan – 16 (1 in 2020), Togo – 0 (9 in 2020), and Yemen – 3 (33 in 2020).
A total of 1,091 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 26 countries in 2020.
Quote of the Day
For the New Rotary Year – “To paraphrase the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi, today we begin the journey of a thousand miles by taking our first step. Let’s walk together, looking forward, not to the past. Rotarians love a good challenge, so here’s one for us all: let’s challenge ourselves to think bigger this year and enlarge our vision of what we can and will do. – John Germ, 2021-22 Trustee Chair, The Rotary Foundation
The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:

0 new Polio cases reported this week.
1 Wild Polio cases – 2021. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 1/27/21.
84 Wild Polio cases – 2020. No WPV1 & CVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.

0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
1 Wild Polio case – 2021. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 1/1/21.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. No WPV1 & CVDPV2-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!
Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 36