The Dictionary Project: Word of the Day

Word of the Day: Cause

Word of the Day: Cause

cause / ˈkȯz noun 1.      a reason or motiveHe never was a friend who ceased to be so for a slight cause.Portuguese Proverb 2.      something that brings about a resultCharity looks at the need and not the cause.German Proverb 3.      a...

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Word of the Day: Grant

Word of the Day: Grant

grant / grant verb 1.      to give approval to or fulfill a requestPatience is the most necessary quality for business, many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request.Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield,...

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Word of the Day: Harmonious

Word of the Day: Harmonious

har-mo-ni-ous / härˈmōnēəs adjective 1.      pleasing to the ear; musically concordantMusic is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world.Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872 2.      being in accord through action or...

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Word of the Day: Aisle, Isle and I’ll

Word of the Day: Aisle, Isle and I’ll

aisle aisle / īl noun   1.     the passageway between seats, shelves, counters, etc. such as in a bus, auditorium, store or warehouse The excitement spread through the train, and men, and even women, left their seats, overflowing the...

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