Terry’s Polio Eradication Update

Pakistan launches first anti-polio campaign 2023

Pakistan launches first anti-polio campaign 2023

What is that Polio Picture? Pakistan last Sunday launched its first anti-polio campaign of the year, targeting 44.2 million children under the age of five.  Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif kicked off the nationwide drive by administering polio drops...

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The Most Consequential Geographies

The Most Consequential Geographies

What is that Polio Picture?  The Most Consequential Geographies 2023 is a critical year for the global effort to eradicate Polio.  It is the year where all remaining poliovirus transmission globally is slated to be fully interrupted, per the GPEI...

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The Fight against falling immunization rates

The Fight against falling immunization rates

What is that Polio Picture?  The Fight against falling immunization rates - In Senegal last month, African heads of state came together at the Forum on Immunization and Polio Eradication in Africa to reaffirm their commitments to tackle declining...

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Progress in Pakistan to End Polio

Progress in Pakistan to End Polio

What is that Polio Picture?  Pakistan - In 2020, Pakistan had 11 separate chains of Polio virus transmission. This was reduced to four in 2021, and today, just one family of the virus remains in the country. The approaches being implemented in...

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