It was destined to be

It was destined to be

It was destined to be

Tuesday was a remarkable visit to a club that I have had a long history with.  I spoke with the club about how two of my Rotary mentors, PDG Cloyd Clark 2006-07, and PDG Duane Tappe 2013-14.  It was Judge Clark who first asked me to do a job for him.  We all need to do this more.  Let me state the obvious again.  If we expect people to be engaged, to be involved and part of our clubs, we have to ASK THEM to Join, then we have to ask them to participate, to give of their time, talent and resources.  If we don’t ASK them they will think they are not wanted or needed.  Thank you Judge for asking me to CONNECT.  

I had a great visit but it was what I did after my visit that was truly magical!  I got in my car and check my email, no problems, that’s good.  So, I had time to spend exploring McCook to learn a little about the community.  Hey Google, what is in interesting to see in McCook, Nebraska?  Google suggested the Museum of the High Plains Historical Society.  Sounded good to me.

When I walked in they had to turn on the lights, but they certainly maded me feel welcome.  They noticed my shirt with the Rotary Connects the World theme.  The gentleman introduced himself, John Hubert, age 91 and a longtime member of the Rotary club of McCook.  I told him that I just spoke to his club and was sorry that he had missed my message.  I must have been destiny for me to meet John, since he had not made it to Rotary today.  Somehow I was led to his museum and John and I did meet, and over the next 3 1/2 hours John and I got to know each other pretty well.  What a GREAT ambassador for McCook and such a proud Rotarian.  We had so many stories to share with each other.  I might try to weave them in over the year when I need something to share.  Thank you John for your Rotary service, and for spending so much time showing me the musuem and the Fox Theater.  

Oh no, forgot the photo

Oh no, forgot the photo

Oh no, forgot the photo

The first thing I thought of as I was driving back from Alliance to the hotel last night, was “oh no, I forgot to get a photo with the club.”  I guess that just means I’ll need to make a return trip.  I plan to do that anyway.  Stay tuned to my blog, and you’ll all see why someday soon.

Day one took me through 10 counties.  Beginning in my home county of Buffalo and driving west along I-80 to Ogallala where I turned north towards Bridgeport and then on to Alliance in Box Butte County.  It’s really amazing the beauty of Nebraska.  From the far west to the Missouri River in the east, it is so completely different.  When you ask someone about Nebraska, the first thing they might say is “corn”, or “cows”.  But rarely do they mention the beautiful grasslands of the Sandhills, the bluffs of the northwestern plains, or the pine vistas of the Niobrara River.  And that’s just a snippet.  I can’t wait to tell you more, and share pictures.

Speaking of the sandhills, returning to North Platte, I took a different route along Highway 2 through the Sandhills.  I couldn’t help to notice all the water, and wondered if this was normal, or if this was due to all the rain we have received this spring.  Last night was another night of torrential rain across Nebraska, we don’t need any more water. 

So with 10 of 93 counties checked off my list, we continue down the road.  Today we are headed to Nebraska’s “Hot Spot”, McCook.  For some reason, they always seem to be the hottest place in Nebraska.  I’ll have to ask them about that and share it here tomorrow.  

See you soon.  

Word of the Day: Idle/Idol/Idyll

Word of the Day: Idle/Idol/Idyll

Word of the Day: Idle/Idol/Idyll

i-dle / ˈīdl
1.      not active or employed
It is only idle people who can find time for everything.
French Proverb
2.      not spent in activity or work
I would love to get a place out in the country and spend my idle time just remodeling and planting seeds and watching them grow.
Joe Lando, 1961-
3.      unused
A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition.
Henry Miller, 1891-1980
4.      lacking worth; frivolous
Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit and lost without deserving.
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616
5.      lazy
To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
Buddha, c. 480-c.400 BC
1.      to do nothing
It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.
Jerome K. Jerome, 1859-1927
2.      of a machine, to operate at low power so that it cannot do useful work
We passed laws to prohibit cars and buses from idling their engines and to retrofit school buses with diesel pollution controls.
Sheldon Whitehouse, 1955-
1.      a person or people who are lazy
Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in your temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.
Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875
i-dol / ˈīdl
1.      an object of extreme devotion
The idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday out of our recollection; and will, in turn, be supplanted by his successor of tomorrow.
Washington Irving, 1783-1859
2.      a representation or symbol of a deity
An idol of the mind is as offensive to God as an idol of the hand.
Aiden Wilson Tozer, 1897-1963
3.      a form which lacks substance
No good can come of it – it is not well
To meet it – it is an enchanted phantom,
A lifeless idol…
From ‘Scenes from the Faust of Goethe’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822
4.      a fallacy
[Francis Bacon] called the wide variety of errors in mental processing the Idols of the Mind. There were four idols: Idols of the Tribe, Idols of the Cave, Idols of the Marketplace, and Idols of the Theater.
i-dyll / ˈīdl
1.      a descriptive piece of poetry or prose that focuses on rustic country life, pastoral scenes, or has an overall mood of tranquility
His surviving work can mostly be found within an old compendium of 30 poems known as the “Idylls of Theocritus.”
2.      a charmingly simple scene
As a child, I wanted to marry a farmer, but no doubt the reality would have been very different to the idyll in my head.
Jane Asher, 1946-
3.      a brief romantic affair
The more enchanted the idyll, greater must be the pain of its ending.
Georgette Heyer, 1902-1974

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at

Day 1 – Off we go…

Day 1 – Off we go…

Day 1 – Off we go…

As I make my first club visit today, I’m mindful of the Word of the Day today, Peaceful (July 8, 2019).   It seems so appropriate as I get on the road so early for the long drive alone to the west.  It’s a solemn drive, plenty of time to contemplate what “wisdom” I might be able to share with my fellow Rotarians in Alliance.  My real role is to help them discover new ideas, and help them see beyond the “fences” they have been snuggled safely behind for so long.  I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m “the home office” coming out to tell them what to do, or what they are doing wrong.  That’s not my role.  I’m just so excited to learn, and be able to take their ideas to everyone else.  That’s what I hope we can all do here with this blog.

So today it all begins.  I’m sure we’ll all talk about the given, the Rotary Strategic Plan put forth by RI President Maloney, his 4 strategic priorities, our theme, “Rotary Connects the World”, but most of all how Rotary Connects us All. 

See you soon.  

Word of the Day: Idle/Idol/Idyll

Word of the Day: Peaceful

Word of the Day: Peaceful

peace-ful / ˈpēsfəl
1.      untroubled by conflict
Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind.
Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993
2.      not confrontational or quarrelsome
Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.
Jawaharlal Nehru, 1889-1964
3.      of or relating to a time of tranquility and lack of conflict
When a king has good counselors, his reign is peaceful.
Ghanaian Proverb
4.      devoid of violence
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at