Word of the Day: Grief

Word of the Day: Grief

Word of the Day: Grief

grief / ɡrēf
1.      deep sadness, often caused by bereavement
A day of grief lasts longer than a month of joy.
Chinese Proverb
2.      a cause for deep suffering
Light griefs can speak, but deeper ones are dumb.
Latin Proverb
3.      trouble
It is a grief to one beggar that there is another at the door.
Dutch Proverb
4.      playful teasing or criticism
He didn’t give me grief over the hours I spent in the studio with pieces of paper. I did not give him grief over the hours he spent hitting golf balls on the fairways and greens.
from ‘Artful Grief: A Diary of Healing’ by Sharon Strouse, ?-

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

Word of the Day: Grief

Word of the Day: Dazzle

Word of the Day: Dazzle

daz-zle / ˈdazəl
1.      to cause to lose vision momentarily, typically due to looking at a bright light
Light, when suddenly let in, dazzles and hurts and almost blinds us: but this soon passes away, and it seems to become the only element we can exist in.
Augustus William Hare, 1792-1834
2.      to astonish or impress greatly
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.
W. C. Fields, 1880-1946
3.      to shine brilliantly
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind.
Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886
1.      an act or instance of shining brilliantly
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment in your life.
from ‘Leaves of Grass’ by Walt Whitman, 1819-1892

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

We Are Rotary: Advancing Women as Leaders

We Are Rotary: Advancing Women as Leaders

We Are Rotary: Advancing Women as Leaders

Women account for less than 25 percent of Rotary’s global membership and are underrepresented in leadership positions at every level, but Rotarians are ready to embrace change! Join us on August 28, 2019 from 3:00pm- 4:00pm CDT.

Currently, women make up 23 percent of our membership, and represent, on an average, 20 percent of leadership positions. Rotarians are ready to embrace change, as indicated by the record number of breakout sessions at the 2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg dedicated to the topic of women’s advancement in Rotary’s leadership. During one of these sessions, Rotarians Beth Keck and Todd Jenkins collected ideas from more than 500 members, both female and male, about how to take action and break down the barriers to women’s advancement in leadership positions. Hear the proposals and add your voice to this critical conversation.

During this webinar, we will:

• Explore the barriers that women face when considering leadership positions
• Challenge the institutional and personal viewpoints that may be limiting women’s advancement
• Discuss the benefits—and necessity– of Rotary being a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization
• Develop specific actions to take in your clubs and communities

Everyone who registers will receive access to the recording and slides.  

Word of the Day: Grief

Word of the Day: Cause

Word of the Day: Cause

cause / ˈkȯz
1.      a reason or motive
He never was a friend who ceased to be so for a slight cause.
Portuguese Proverb
2.      something that brings about a result
Charity looks at the need and not the cause.
German Proverb
3.      a person or thing that produces or occasions an event
All things are cause for either laughter or weeping.
Latin Proverb
4.      in law, a ground for legal action
It’s an ill cause that a lawyer thinks shame of.
Scottish Proverb
5.      a matter to be resolved
And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
Exodus 18:26, King James Bible
6.      a movement that is supported
The best cause requires a good champion.
Dutch Proverb
7.      a charitable movement
The idea of kids helping other kids is such a great way to introduce children to being involved in charitable causes and volunteer work, setting them on the path to doing good for others throughout their lives.
Brandy Norwood, 1979-
1.      to bring about or produce a result
Anger is always more harmful than the insult that caused it.
Chinese Proverb

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.

Word of the Day: Grief

Word of the Day: Grant

Word of the Day: Grant

grant / grant
1.      to give approval to or fulfill a request
Patience is the most necessary quality for business, many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, 1694-1773
2.      to allow as a right, favor, etc.
One finds little ingratitude so long as one is in a position to grant favors.
French Proverb
3.      to formally give or bestow
Covet wealth, and want it; don’t, and luck will grant it.
Chinese Proverb
4.      to concede
Children, I grant, should be innocent; but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness.
Mary Wollstonecraft, 1759-1797
1.      something bestowed, usually a monetary amount
No salesman can ever guarantee you a grant from any government or non-profit organization.
Matthew Lesko, 1943-
2.      a transfer of land or property
A land grant is an award of land to a recipient with the requirement that a public purpose, as defined by legislation, is served through the grant.

Thank you for including the Dictionary Project in the good work you do in your club.  In my club, we have provided Dictionaries for third-grade students for enough years that now we are having former students help us to present dictionaries each year.  They are often returning to the same classrooms that they were third-grade students.  Teachers plead every year for us to NEVER quit this valuable project.  They tell us that students NEED paper books to learn to read, to learn to do research and to do independent study.  Please send me pictures of your presentations and tell me about your visits to the schools to give dictionaries to the students. To be included in our newsletter you can send me your stories at DG.2019@5630mail.org.