Children show their inked fingers after vaccination against polio

Children show their inked fingers after vaccination against polio

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  twin brothers, Habib-u Rahman and Hamid-u Rahman, and their niece, show their inked fingers after being vaccinated against polio in Botawar village, Rukha District of Panjshir province, during the November 2020 campaign in Afghanistan.

Click on the link below to see – A Tale Of Two Crises And The Solutions That Bind Them: Wild Polio And COVID-19 – an interview with Rotarian, Polio Survivor, and Global Health Advocate, Ramesh Ferris.

Happy New Year To You All! – As we close out a year marked by COVID-19, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is reflecting upon both the immense challenges faced and the incredible ways that the polio program has stepped up in 2020. From supporting pandemic response efforts and relaunching polio vaccination campaigns to kicks tarting new initiatives like the emergency call to action, the program continues to work to overcome obstacles. Looking to 2021, the GPEI is delighted to welcome a new Director of Polio Eradication at the WHO, Mr Aidan O’Leary. Next year will also bring new efforts to help us reach a polio-free world, including rolling out novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) to help fight cVDPV2 and redoubling outbreak response efforts to tackle poliovirus spread.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

The Polio Good News:

The World Health Organization thanks the United Kingdom for agreeing a £30 million increase to the first payment of their 2019 – 2023 pledge, meaning that the total amount released for polio eradication activities is £70 million.

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 870Afghanistan – 214 (0 in 2019), ,Angola – 3 (129 in 2019),Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 56 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 7 (0 in 2019), CAR – 4 (21 in 2019),Chad – 93 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019), Congo – 1,    Cote d’ Ivoire – 68 (0 in 2019),DRC – 70 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 28, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Pakistan – 110 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019).  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019), Nigeria – 6 (18 in 2019) Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019), Somalia – 13 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 38 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 48,  Yemen – 19, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019),Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019).

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

The amount of money we receive will always be in direct ratio to the demand for what we do, our ability to do it, and the difficulty in replacing us.”  –  Earl Nightingale

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





0 new Polio cases reported this week.
83 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 11/14/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/02/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019.  Two Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26

Child receiving Polio immunization in Yemen

Child receiving Polio immunization in Yemen

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  Today’s Polio picture shows a child receiving their Polio immunization in Yemen.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

The Polio Good News: 

For the 13th consecutive year, The Rotary Foundation has received the highest rating — four stars — from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S.  The Foundation earned the recognition for adhering to sector best practices and executing its mission in a financially efficient way, demonstrating both strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. Only one percent of the organizations Charity Navigator evaluates have received 13 consecutive 4-star evaluations.
With the eradication of wild Polio from the African region, five of WHO’s six regions, representing more than 90% of the world’s population, are now free of the disease.

Now that we are down to the final two Wild Polio Endemic countries, I will be listing the 16 reasons we need to End Polio in Pakistan (from  #16 – Polio case numbers have been increasing in Pakistan.  The number of new cases is a cause for concern.  If even one child is infected, at least 200 others face the risk of contracting the Poliovirus from them. 

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 841Afghanistan – 214 (0 in 2019), ,Angola – 3 (129 in 2019),Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 49 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 7 (0 in 2019), CAR – 4 (21 in 2019),Chad – 91 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019), Congo – 1,    Cote d’ Ivoire – 68 (0 in 2019),DRC – 70 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 28, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Pakistan – 110 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019).  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019), Nigeria – 6 (18 in 2019) Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019), Somalia – 13 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 28 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 48,  Yemen – 19, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019),Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019),

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

The world cares very little what you or I know, but it does care a great deal about what you or I do.”  –  Booker T Washington 

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





0 new Polio cases reported this week.
82 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/22/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. Three Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/02/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26

Child’s finger marked to indicate being

Child’s finger marked to indicate being

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


No new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  This Polio picture shows a child’s finger being marked to indicate that this child was vaccinated in Chad.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

The Polio Good News: WHO thanks Spain for their exceptional contribution of 100,000 Euros to Polio eradication efforts. 

And – Aidan O’Leary has been appointed to be the new WHO polio eradication director.  Mr  O’Leary will assume the responsibilities of Director for Polio Eradication at WHO, effective January 1, 2021. Mr O’Leary will succeed Mr Michel Zaffran, who will enter a well-deserved retirement end-February 2021.  Mr O’Leary is from Ireland and is currently Head of Office in Yemen for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). He has served as the Chief of Polio Eradication in Pakistan for UNICEF and spent three years working in Afghanistan (between 2011 and 2014) as Head of Office, OCHA.  He has extensive experience in emergency settings, including in Iraq and Syria, where he also held the position of Head of Office for OCHA.  

Now that we are down to the final two Wild Polio Endemic countries, I will be listing the 16 reasons we need to End Polio in Pakistan (from  # 15 – Global Polio Eradication would be history’s greatest public health achievement.  Reaching our goal would save 500,000 children from the paralysis of Polio each year Forever!  And it would, no doubt lead to additional major health initiatives.

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 773Afghanistan – 160 (0 in 2019), ,Angola – 3 (129 in 2019),Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 49 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 7 (0 in 2019), CAR – 4 (21 in 2019),Chad – 89 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019), Congo – 1,    Cote d’ Ivoire – 68 (0 in 2019),DRC – 68 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 28, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Pakistan – 110 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019).  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019),Nigeria – 4 (18 in 2019) Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019), Somalia – 13 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 22 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 46,  Yemen – 19, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019),Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019),

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

Every individual matters.  Every Individual has a roll to play.  Every individual makes a difference.”  –  Jane Goodall

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





0 new Polio cases reported this week.
82 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/22/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. Five Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/02/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26

Child being vaccinated in Somalia immunization campaigns underway

Child being vaccinated in Somalia immunization campaigns underway

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


oNE new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  Today’s picture shows a child being vaccinated in Somalia where immunization campaigns are underway to insure that Somalia remains Wild Polio-free.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

The Polio Good News:  This year, Rotary Clubs registered Over 6,500 World Polio Day events and the amount that was given online on World Polio Day was more than double the amount given on that day last year.  Congratulation to all of you who participated.  But be aware that worldwide Polio donations are about $1 mil under last year, so far.

We just received notice that the Emergency early use license for the new Novel Type 2 Oral Polio Vaccine has been approved.  The new vaccine will be launched soon and we believe it will greatly assist in the fight against the Circulating Vaccine Type 2 Derived Polio outbreaks when it is widely distributed!  

November 19 was World Toilet Day – Be thankful if you have one and consider a new Sanitation project for areas of the world that are in need of more of them! 

Now that we are down to the Final Two Polio Endemic Countries – I will be listing Sixteen Reasons We need to End Polio in Pakistan (from  # 12. Timely immunizations can decrease the number of disabled people in Pakistan.  In Pakistan, resources and care systems for people with special needs are in scarce supply.  An increase in the number of dependent people will burden the system to an even grater extent.

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 756Afghanistan – 160 (0 in 2019), ,Angola – 3 (129 in 2019),Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 49 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 7 (0 in 2019), CAR – 3 (21 in 2019),Chad – 80 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019), Congo – 1,    Cote d’ Ivoire – 68 (0 in 2019),DRC – 68 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 28, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Pakistan – 104 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019).  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019),Nigeria – 4 (18 in 2019) Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019), Somalia – 28 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 22 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 46,  Yemen – 19, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019),Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019).

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

Leaders inspire themselves and others to do, be, give, and become more than they ever thought possible..”  –  Tony Robbins

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





1 new Polio cases reported this week.
82 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/22/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. Thirteen Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




0 new Polio cases reported this past week.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/02/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26

Vaccinator w/ sanitizer as Covid precaution in Pakistan

Vaccinator w/ sanitizer as Covid precaution in Pakistan

Dear Polio Eradication Warriors,


Two new Wild Polio cases reported this week.

What is that Polio Picture?  This Polio picture shows a Vaccinator using hand sanitizer as a Covid precaution in a Polio immunization campaign in Pakistan.

A Win Against Polio is a Win for Global Health!

How Many Children have we saved from the paralysis of Polio?
That number has now reached 20 Million! That’s a number to celebrate and to share!

The Polio Good News:  Last week, we just received notice that the Emergency early use license for the new Novel Type 2 Oral Polio Vaccine has been approved.  The new vaccine will be launched soon and we believe it will greatly assist in the fight against the Circulating Vaccine Type 2 Derived Polio outbreaks when it is widely distributed!  

Now that we are down to the final two Wild Polio Endemic countries, I will be listing the 16 reasons we need to End Polio in Pakistan (from  # 13.,  According to some studies, Polio survivors often suffer from psychological trauma due to their sudden trauma.

2020 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 749 –Afghanistan – 160 (0 in 2019), ,Angola – 3 (129 in 2019),Benin – 1 (8 in 2019), Burkina Faso – 49 (1 in 2019), Cameroon – 7 (0 in 2019), CAR – 3 (21 in 2019),Chad – 80 ((10 in 2019),China – 0 (1 In 2019), Congo – 1,    Cote d’ Ivoire – 68 (0 in 2019),DRC – 63 (86 in 2019),Ethiopia – 21 (11 in 2019),Ghana – 11 (18 in 2019), Guinea – 29 (0 in 2019), Mali – 26, Malaysia – 1 (3 in 2019), Myanmar – 0 (6 in 2019),  Pakistan – 104 (22 in 2019), Papua New Guinea – 0 (0 in 2019).  Niger – 8 (1 in 2019),Nigeria – 4 (18 in 2019) Philippines – 1 (16 in 2019), Somalia – 28 (3 in 2019), South Sudan – 22 (0 in 2019), Sudan – 46,  Yemen – 19, Togo – 9 (8 in 2019),Zambia – 0 (2 in 2019).

361 Vaccine Derived Polio cases were reported in 2019.

Quote of the Day

Leaders inspire themselves and others to do, be, give, and become more than they ever thought possible..”  –  Tony Robbins

The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:





0 new Polio cases reported this week.
82 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/16/20.
147 Wild Polio cases – 2019. Two Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.




2 new Polio cases reported this past week.
56 Wild Polio cases – 2020. The most recent cases had an onset of paralysis on 10/02/20.
29 Wild Polio cases – 2019.  No Polio-Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.

Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!

Terry Ziegler, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser Rotary Region 26